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iCalendar Properties


In the iCalendar specification properties are used to define features of iCalendar objects or components embedded within them (e.g. VEVENT, VTIMEZONE, etc.).

Mutable by default

Properties in iCal4j are mutable, so you should be careful not to share them between objects and components.

DtStart start = new DtStart("20251225");
VEvent christmas = new VEvent("Christmas Day").add(start);

VEvent newYear = new VEvent("New Years Day").add(start);

start = new DtStart("20251226");
VEvent boxingDay = new VEvent("Boxing Day").add(start);

Immutable instances

There are some exceptions where sharing properties is safe, when they are defined as immutable instances. These represent properties defined by the specification with no variable elements (e.g. VERSION, CALSCALE, METHOD, etc.).

VEvent event1 = new VEvent("Meeting 1").add(ImmutableTransp.OPAQUE)
VEvent event2 = new VEvent("Meeting 2").add(ImmutableTransp.OPAQUE)


Two property instances are considered equal if they share the same name, value and list of parameters.


Each property type defines a factory that may be used for creating new instances. Where the factory differs from typical constructor usage is that constant immutable instances will be returned where applicable.

new Clazz.Factory().createProperty(new ParameterList(), "PUBLIC") == ImmutableClazz.PUBLIC

Immutable Collections

In iCal4j we use specific collection implementations to improve support for functional programming. The PropertyList is one such implementation that will return a new collection instance when applying mutator operations.

PropertyList list1 = new PropertyList();
PropertyList list2 = list1.add(new DtStamp());
// list2 != list1

Where an operation does not result in any change, the original instance is returned.

PropertyList list3 = list2.remove(ImmutableClazz.PRIVATE);
// list3 == list2